• Question: What is the most deadliest spider in the UK?

    Asked by anon-218339 to Shannah, Richard, Matthew (known as Kaan by, johnpaterson, Emma, Anna on 17 Jun 2019.
    • Photo: Richard Gammons

      Richard Gammons answered on 17 Jun 2019:

      All spiders are deadly in my opinion……although scientifically speaking that is not true!!

    • Photo: John Paterson

      John Paterson answered on 17 Jun 2019:

      None of the spiders in the UK are poisonous to humans. If you found a particularly big house spider or a woodlouse spider then they might be able to give you a sore pinch but they shouldn’t be able to break your skin. All spiders have some form of venom but very few of them are able to pierce human skin and even those that can don’t tend to have venom that is actually dangerous to humans.

      In the world the most deadly spiders are the Brazilian wandering spider and the Sydney funnel web, both of which are capable of killing within hours. Other dangerous spiders are the black widow and the brown recluse. The venom of the black widow takes days to kill a person, so most people would be able to get antivenom in that time, whereas the brown recluse can’t kill people but can cause quite a horrible, long-lasting condition where flesh around its bite dies and doesn’t grow back. As far as I know those are the only spiders that are any sort of real threat to humans.

    • Photo: Emma Markham

      Emma Markham answered on 17 Jun 2019:

      There are only 3 spiders in the UK which could bite people, the one which is often in the news is the false widow spider but in reality it is incredibly rare to be bitten by a spider and you are more likely to be bitten by a tick, a bedbug or almost anything else!
      Spiders are really important in our ecosystem, they are vital for controlling flies and other pests which could spread disease. Spiders are also an important food source for birds. Spiders have a bad reputation but they pose no risk to people and we should learn to love spiders!
