• Question: What is your topic in science

    Asked by anon-218290 to Shannah, Richard, johnpaterson, Emma, Anna on 21 Jun 2019.
    • Photo: Emma Markham

      Emma Markham answered on 21 Jun 2019:

      The area of science I’m most interested in is Genetics. I think this is because I grew up on a farm and was always surrounded by animals we had bred and wondered why some didn’t look like their parents. When I was doing my A-levels and learned about recessive traits I was amazed! It explained so many things I understood on the farm but didn’t know the mechanism or why. I was hooked and couldn’t stop reading about it, and that is why I decided to go to university and study genetics and become a scientist. Since then I have worked in cancer genetics, which is wonderful because you feel you are helping people, which is important to me.

    • Photo: Richard Gammons

      Richard Gammons answered on 21 Jun 2019:

      My topic is to try and use plant based materials to create greener fuels! This is so the environmental impact of burning fuels is reduced.

    • Photo: Anna Gardner

      Anna Gardner answered on 21 Jun 2019:

      I studied Zoology at University- this is the study of animal behaviour. I was always interested in social animals like Lions and monkeys and also communities like bees and ants. But while I was at university I was really interested in plant biology and after going on a couple of field trips studying plants, I knew I was also interested in Botany! There are so many choices out there so don’t ever feel like you have to study one thing. You can change your topic as many times as you like and your interests will grow as you grow up too. The more you interact with groups, societies and events you will find that things you previously were not interested in before, might really interest you when you are older.
