• Question: why do you like science

    Asked by anon-218504 to Shannah, Richard, Matthew (known as Kaan by, johnpaterson, Emma, Anna on 18 Jun 2019.
    • Photo: Richard Gammons

      Richard Gammons answered on 18 Jun 2019:

      I find it very interesting and believe it can help solve many problems we face for our future.

    • Photo: Shannah Gates

      Shannah Gates answered on 18 Jun 2019:

      Because there is always more to learn about science. I don’t think we will ever know everything there is too know. Its all so complicated. I like that when I do science I might be the first person to ever do something or the first person to discover something new. It is a lot of problem solving and puzzles. You can also work on so many different things. There are scientists that do computer work, ones that work in the lab, some may work in the jungle studying animals or plants.. it can be very different. You can learn about a subject you like

    • Photo: Emma Markham

      Emma Markham answered on 18 Jun 2019:

      I love science because it is all about finding how things works and why. I was naturally curious as a kid and loved exploring nature and watching animals and birds. I grew up on a farm and was always surrounded by animals, so I have always loved that side of science. I love watching nature documentaries and learning more about the world. Why do you like science?

    • Photo: John Paterson

      John Paterson answered on 19 Jun 2019:

      Science gives me a lot of perspective on the world. I find it very empowering because using science you can solve most problems if you can think of the right way to ask a question and the right way to test it and experiment. But science is also quite humbling because when you study the natural world you realise that humans are only one small part of it. So I like science both because it makes me feel big and it makes me feel small.

    • Photo: Anna Gardner

      Anna Gardner answered on 19 Jun 2019:

      Its the only subject where you can fully explore and experiment with questions you have always had about the world. Science classes allow you to (safely!!) use lots of fire to show the fat content in your favourite crisps, be taught something by using an explosion, make insane crystals/gems and even make rockets that can shoot off and you’ll never find again. We even got a fieldtrip to a theme park so we could be taught how rollercoasters work! Science is how we find things out. Its everything in everyday life that is around us (from eating your breakfast to the changing seasons). Science will allow you to be curious and travel the world where you can discover things with your own eyes and even invent something new. We need new scientists to help the world develop and progress, as well as helping find disease cures and new medicines. Science is amazing and I hope you will discover why you like science too 🙂
