• Question: Do you know anything about the giant sequoia and Japanese maples?

    Asked by anon-218571 to Shannah, Richard, Matthew (known as Kaan by, johnpaterson, Emma, Anna on 12 Jun 2019.
    • Photo: Emma Markham

      Emma Markham answered on 12 Jun 2019:

      Yes, I love giant sequoia’s and have visited the forest in California where they grow. They are so huge! And did you know that they need small forest fires to release their seeds, this is because the fire will kill the small trees and let more sunlight to the forest floor, this will enable to seedling get enough sunlight to grow. So California used to prevent forest fires but realised this was preventing the giant sequoia’s from reproducing and so now they have controlled forest fires.
      I love Japanese maples, I have several growing in my garden. I love the shape of their leaves and the colours.
