• Question: Does being a scientist come naturally in your family?

    Asked by anon-217986 to johnpaterson, Emma, Anna on 9 Jun 2019. This question was also asked by anon-218331.
    • Photo: John Paterson

      John Paterson answered on 9 Jun 2019:

      No, not really. One of my cousins did a PhD and now does medical research but they’re the only other member of my family who has worked in science. My Dad did a chemistry degree but he never worked in science – he became an accountant. But I think wanting to analyse stuff is something I get from my Dad and being interested in nature is something I get from my Mum. So those are things that have led to me being a scientist.

    • Photo: Emma Markham

      Emma Markham answered on 16 Jun 2019:

      No, not at all. In fact none of my family has ever been to university or higher education. My father was an electrician and my mum a housewife, and we grew up on a farm. I left school at 16 as that was expected. So I had no role models or support when I decided I wanted to become a scientist. This is why I mentor students and visit schools, so other kids do have role models and support, whatever they want to become.
