• Question: Have you done any other experimen in other countries

    Asked by anon-218101 to Richard, johnpaterson, Emma, Anna on 20 Jun 2019.
    • Photo: Emma Markham

      Emma Markham answered on 20 Jun 2019:

      Yes, I have worked in science research in Australia and America. Science is wonderful because it is like a universal language, and you can work all over the world!
      Would you like to travel and work abroad?

    • Photo: John Paterson

      John Paterson answered on 21 Jun 2019:

      Yes, I have worked in the rainforest in Guyana (in South America), where I researched mosquitoes and taught science. I have also worked in the Maldives (islands near India) where I also researched mosquitoes. I’m quite glad I’ve stopped working with mosquitoes even though I got to visit some cool places, I got bitten a lot!

      Science is a great option for working in other countries because scientists from other countries have different areas they are good at and love working together. Also, if you are a biologist, you can go study plants and animals in some really exotic places.

    • Photo: Anna Gardner

      Anna Gardner answered on 21 Jun 2019:

      Yes, I was working on an experiment in Peru looking at nutrients on potato plants. We wanted to find a potato that could be taken to a country in Africa where they suffer from cataracts due to nutrient deficiencies. I have also worked in Florida- we studied the foraging behaviour of sea turtles. Then lastly I worked on an island between Turkey and Greece called Samos. Here I studied chameleons and Jackals. Science is great because it can take you all over the world.
