• Question: How is your experiment going

    Asked by anon-218100 to Shannah, Richard, Matthew (known as Kaan by, johnpaterson, Emma, Anna on 17 Jun 2019. This question was also asked by anon-218094, anon-218101, anon-218092, anon-218057, anon-218295.
    • Photo: Richard Gammons

      Richard Gammons answered on 17 Jun 2019:

      I like to think very well!! But I better not speak too soon in case they start to go wrong : )

    • Photo: Emma Markham

      Emma Markham answered on 17 Jun 2019:

      I’m not conducting any experiments at the moment, because I currently work to support the scientists doing experiments. At the moment the big area of research we are supporting is sustainable food, so growing crops which are good for our diet and good for the environment.

    • Photo: John Paterson

      John Paterson answered on 18 Jun 2019: last edited 18 Jun 2019 1:29 pm

      It’s currently going pretty well. Last year it was a disaster because I put all these plants out hoping to see what insects they attracted and we had a huge heatwave, with temperatures of over 30 degrees. This meant that a lot of my plants in the greenhouse died and I didn’t see as many insects as I wanted to because it was too hot, which they don’t like. I got quite frustrated with it because there’s not much you can do about the weather!

      But this year it’s going much better because I started earlier in the year, when it was cooler, and I have a better plan for looking after and watering my plants. I’ve just been out in the garden with them and seen about 10 different species of bee and hoverfly in 15 minutes. So I’m getting a lot of good information right now and it seems to be going well but it’s when I sit down and analyse this information that I’ll know for sure.

      A lot of science doesn’t work straight away and you have to be keep trying and be prepared to change things a bit to succeed with your experiments. You need good problem-solving skills!
