• Question: if there is a massive black hole in the sky how long would it take to reach earth. If you where to get sucked into to a black whole where do you think it would take you or do you thing you would die because of the speed you are going at?

    Asked by anon-218949 to johnpaterson on 18 Jun 2019.
    • Photo: John Paterson

      John Paterson answered on 18 Jun 2019:

      Well black holes are made from starts collapsing in on themselves, but before they collapse they go supernova. This is a massive explosion that can spread out for light years. So if a black hole appeared in the sky it probably means we’d already have been burned away in a huge exploding star!

      What happens inside a black hole is one of the great mysteries in science. We can’t make any observations because black holes even trap light, so we can’t see what’s happening inside them. We know that the laws of physics break down and that black holes change lots of things, possibly including how time works. I think if we were to get sucked into a black hole without any protection we would definitely die, but if we were to travel into one in a big spaceship like in Interstellar… who knows? Things might happen we can’t even imagine.
