• Question: Is science hard to learn?

    Asked by anon-217985 to Shannah, Richard, Matthew (known as Kaan by, johnpaterson, Emma, Anna on 8 Jun 2019.
    • Photo: Emma Markham

      Emma Markham answered on 8 Jun 2019:

      This is a difficult question to answer, as science is so broad. There is a range of skills and concepts, which once you understand them can be applied to a range of science. For example the basic laws of physics and an understanding of the scientific method.
      I wouldn’t worry if you sometimes feel science is hard, because I find that if you are curious about how the world works, and excited by learning new things then science is not hard but a fun adventure. Yes, sometimes there is something hard you need to learn, but I find it is important to learn to look at a problem in different ways, and then the solution becomes easier. It’s not hard if you enjoy it. So maybe check out some fun science videos on YouTube, as this is a great place to learn. I still watch videos which explain mathematics, as I didn’t have a good teacher as school and so I assumed I’m bad at maths, but in fact I just learn in a different way and find videos with good explanations and diagrams better for me. There is more than one way to learn, so it’s important to find the right way for you!

    • Photo: John Paterson

      John Paterson answered on 9 Jun 2019:

      Like any subject, there are parts of science that are easy and parts that are hard. I always think the important thing about learning a subject is to remember that it’s mainly about work and practice, not a sudden moment of genius or understanding. The scientists I know who are best at their work aren’t always the ones who are the most intelligent, they are the ones who work hard.

      For me the most important part of science is the one that is least difficult to learn – being curious about the world and how things work. If you have that curiosity then it can take you a long way!

      At school I remember a lot of science was mainly learning facts and I sometimes found it hard to remember all that information. As Emma said in her answer, I think the most important thing is to find a way to do this that works for you. For me I read a lot about science outside of school, because I found that more interesting than what we did in class, and it really helped me to remember what we were supposed to be learning for school. But these days there are loads of other options other than reading with YouTube and podcasts. Find a way that works for you.

    • Photo: Anna Gardner

      Anna Gardner answered on 10 Jun 2019:

      I would personally say that science is easy. This is because everything you see, eat, do and everything you are is science. Science is everything in everyday life and for that reason alone it is easy.
      You can make it as easy or as difficult as you like, but the key is to realise how the science you learn in a particular lesson fits in to your everyday life. For example, when you learn about the water cycle (and all the tricky words you are given!). Just watch the rain outside your house and think about where the water goes, then think about where the water would go if your house was in a forest or on a mountain. You can make any subject fun but with science I feel that it is easier to find fun ways to learn. I find that just going outside and observing is the best way to learn (e.g. watch a spider spin its web or an ant taking a piece of food home). I used to draw things out or get creative if I didn’t understand something. Find another way to learn if writing it is not helping you learn 🙂
