• Question: What do you think is the most important thing scientists should be working on, such as global warming or cures for diseases.

    Asked by anon-218622 to Shannah, Richard, Matthew (known as Kaan by, johnpaterson, Emma, Anna on 13 Jun 2019.
    • Photo: Emma Markham

      Emma Markham answered on 13 Jun 2019:

      I think different problems appeal to different people, and you need to work on what you feel is important. Personally, I think finding ways to adapt and combat climate change will be a priority, so finding sustainable food sources which can also reverse climate change, adapt to rising global temperatures, less rain, more extreme weather, cope with new pests and stress. These will be the big challenges we face in the next few years and many scientists will be working alongside farmers and companies on different small aspects of this problem.

    • Photo: Richard Gammons

      Richard Gammons answered on 13 Jun 2019:

      Such a difficult question to answer, but actually all of them are important so teams from around the world should focus on as much as possible but health and environment are the top 2!!

    • Photo: Shannah Gates

      Shannah Gates answered on 13 Jun 2019:

      Both of those things are super important. Most scientists specialise in one very specific subject, that’s why they’re so good at what they do, because they focus on one particular bit. So each scientist should focus on what they are good at. If you told all the scientists you had to work on a cure for cancer there would be a lot of scientists that wouldn’t have any idea what to do- because that is not what they study, they may study birds instead.

    • Photo: John Paterson

      John Paterson answered on 14 Jun 2019:

      There are lots of important issues facing the world and fortunately lots of scientists are interested in lots of different things, so we have people working on all of these problems. For me the biggest issue is climate change – I just think this will affect so many different aspects of life on Earth in such a massive way. Although it will be very important to reduce our carbon output I think realistically scientists will also need to invent ways to actually remove carbon from the atmosphere. This is called carbon sequestration.

    • Photo: Anna Gardner

      Anna Gardner answered on 14 Jun 2019:

      Luckily we have thousands of scientists that are all helping together to research the important problems we have (from finding cures to helping with climate change).
      Climate change is a global problem- I personally think it is the most important problem because if we do not do anything then we will have no planet to live on!
      We need more scientists in the world. So if you would like to help us explore, find cures for diseases and help our planet, you could be a scientist too!
