• Question: What makes wood so hard?

    Asked by anon-218610 to Shannah, Richard, Matthew (known as Kaan by, johnpaterson, Emma, Anna on 13 Jun 2019.
    • Photo: Emma Markham

      Emma Markham answered on 13 Jun 2019:

      Wood is so hard because it is made of layers of cellulose fibers. So as the tree grows only the bark is living, the center of the tree is just strong structural material to support the weight of the tree.

      These fibers are packed tightly together to make the structure very strong and hard, this is similar to how long thin strands of metal are combined to make a cable which is used to support the weight of a bridge. It allows some flexibility but is stronger than if they used a solid piece of metal.

      In fact, scientists have found a way to make wood even stronger! You can find out more here: https://www.sciencealert.com/new-super-wood-stronger-than-steel

    • Photo: Richard Gammons

      Richard Gammons answered on 13 Jun 2019:

      Wood is made of 3 polymers, cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. It is these polymers which are cross-linked that make wood so hard.
